Web Development Project -Wedo Academy Website

This website is developed from scratch and built based on a fully customized design, ensuring a unique and tailored user experience. My development approach prioritizes performance, ensuring fast loading times and optimal responsiveness across various devices and SEO best practices

Web Development
project's image


This website, named 'WeDo,' is a testament to detail-oriented development, where precision and innovation converge. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, we've crafted a dynamic online platform that seamlessly aligns with the brand's vision and goals.

Detail-Oriented Development:

In the development of 'WeDo,' meticulous attention has been given to every detail, ensuring a user-centric experience. The website is powered by October CMS, built on the robust Laravel framework, providing a scalable and flexible foundation for content management. The frontend is enriched with Tailwind CSS for a modern and responsive design, and Alpine.js enhances interactivity, delivering a smooth and engaging user experience.

Customization and Theme Development:

Within a remarkably short timeframe of less than one month, we've developed a fully customized theme for 'WeDo.' This bespoke design is a fusion of aesthetics and functionality, meticulously crafted to align with your brand identity. The theme is optimized for performance, incorporating best practices for SEO, user experience, and overall website speed.

SEO and Performance Optimization:

To ensure optimal visibility and reach, we've implemented SEO strategies encompassing meta tags, image optimization, and other industry best practices. The website is designed to meet performance benchmarks, employing techniques such as content delivery networks (CDNs) and efficient coding practices.

Turbo Router for Seamless Navigation:

To enhance the user experience and create a seamless, single-page application feel, we've incorporated the Turbo Router. This technology allows swift page transitions, making navigation between different sections of the website exceptionally smooth.

Website Link: https://wedoconsultiq.com/en

Technologies and Skills:

  • Quality Assurance
  • Laravel
  • Alpine.JS
  • TailwindCSS
  • October CMS
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